Friday Feb 22, 2019
Story - The 24 Gurus of Avadutha Guru Dattatreya
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Shree Maathrey Namaha - in this episode, we make a brief attempt to discuss about the the 24 Gurus of Guru Dattatreya - "Every person I meet is some or other way superior to me and that I learn of him/her or it - is the philosophy of finding the teachings in everyone, from some, we learn what to be and from other we learn what not to be. Dattatreya attempted his magnum opus " Shree Tripura Rahasyam" after his discovery of the 24 Gurus. Spread the bliss around and stay blessed- Shree Maathrey Namaha.
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Story of Trilinga Swamy - The Walking Shiva of Benaras
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Shree Maathrey Namaha - In this episode, we make a brief attempt to discuss the great sarva tantra swatantra yogi - Trilinga Swamy, who lived for a definite 280 + years. The story talks about the incessant eruption of Shiva Tandava Stotram when Rama Krishna ParamaHamsa visited on this great yogi in Benaras. Swami Trilinga continues to appear to all the devotees till day through his celestial body. Many great yogis and gurus like Vivekananda and Paramahamsa Yogananda have mentioned about this walking Siva in their books and memoirs. To hear about such great divinely souls is a blissful experience of a life time. Continue to stay blessed and spread the bliss around. Shree Maathrey Namaha
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Shree Maathrey Namaha - this episode makes a brief attempt to explain the mystic and very secretive meaning of the 39th name of 16 letters, this namam also introduces one to the Guhya(secretive) Kundalini ( the life force in all of us) tantram. Brief introduction to Yantram/Mantram/Tantram and the energy chakras of the body. Stay blessed and spread the bliss around. Shree Maathrey namaha
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sree Abhirami of TirukAdyaur - A brief story of devotion of Abhirama Battar
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - This episode makes a brief attempt to explain the devotion of Abhirama Battar- a devotee of mother goddess and how she allowed him to compose the divine Abhirami Antadi - 100 verses , where each verse starts with the last verse of the previous sloka. Stay blessed and spread the bliss around.
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sree Dattatreya's Significance - A Brief Story
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - in the SreeVidya Sampradaya Dattatreya is one of the foremost disciples of Sree Vidya and he continues to spread the "Atma Vidya" - the soul wisdom to his disciples till date. This episode makes a brief attempt to understand the "Ava-Dutha" philosophy of Guru Dattatreya and how till date the unified trinity form of Dattatreya continues to be borne to the saintly parents "Atri" and "Anasuya" and the meaning behind it. Stay blessed and spread the bliss around.
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
The Essence of Srividhya
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - in this episode of podcast, we explore the quintessential meaning of SriVidhya and how many great souls have found their SriVidhya in different walks and paths of their lives . Keep walking the true calling your life to tap into your sources of true bliss- Shree Maathrey Namaha.
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Deepawali- Narakasura Story
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - Deepawali Wishes to all of you. This episode attempts to explain the story begind Deepawali and its significance. Stay blessed.
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Story- Vatapi Ganapathim Bhajeham of MuthuSwamy Dikshitar
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - this episode talks about the story and meaning of Vatapi Ganapathi Bhajeham kirtana of MuthuSwamy Dikshitar. Stay Blessed and spread the bliss around.