Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Story - Vatapi Ganapathi
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - Celebrating the spirit of Ganesha, this episode makes a brief attempt at Vatapi Ganapathi and the origins of Ganesha at Vatapi - May all the beings be blessed with peace, happines and prosperity, Sarvey Jana SukhinoBhavanthu.
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - this part-3 episode attempts to explains the shoulder's and significance of the ornaments on her shoulders and their spirtual significance. Stay blessed and spread the bliss around.
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Story-Shree Krishna Jananam
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - Sree Krishna Janmaastami wishes to all the devootes. Parnipoorna avatara KrshNa performed right from birth. This episode attempts to understand the avatara significance in brief. Stay blessed and spread the bliss around.
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Sloka-Guru Slokams
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Saturday Aug 11, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - Celebrating the grace of guru - in this episode we will be discussing some slokas about guru from Guru Geetha. Stay blessed and spread the bliss around !
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Story -Guru Pournima - Vyasa Jananam
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Krishna Dwaipayana - also famosly known as Vyasa, was borne on this thithi -Pournami a very long time ago . Vyasa - was the first guru who divided the vedas into 4 parts ,therefore getting a title called Veda Vyasa. Listen to the story of his birth, stay blessed and spread the bliss around. Shree Maathrey Namaha.
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - this episode attempts to explain another divine story around the Maha SriVidya devotee Bhagavan Sree Anjaneya. Spread the bliss around and stay blessed - Sree Maathrey Namaha !
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Shree Maathrey Namaha - The next name in the holy sahasranamam of mother divine is about the ornaments on mothers shoulders -the significance of this namam is explained with the help of 3 stories - this episode captures the first story of the origins of the maha mantra - Sree Hanuman Chalisa - the greatest Sree Vidya Devotee ever- Stay blessed and spread the bliss around - Shree Maathrey Namaha
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Story-Understanding the Parama Shiva Roopam
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Jai Maata Di ! Many of us completely misunderstand the Shiva roopam and its symbolism. Many devotees are scared of Shiva, as he is often mis-represented as the god of death - Shiva is not the god of death, he is rather death for the god of death- Yama, therefore getting the name MahaKala Kalanthaka. The matted brown hair, the hissing snake Vasuki around his neck and the Brahma kapalams - not any ordinary skulls around his neck show his simplicity. The universal father does not care about his external appearance. As the saying appearances are deceptive goes - many mere mortals are often decieved by Shiva's roopam . To understand the secret of his roopam and the philosophy behind his external appearance, listen to this stroy and understand how Vishnu meditated upon Shiva and got half of his body, giving rise to Hari Hara moorthy.Shiva is the only god who is called Sada Shiva, there is no Sada Brahma and no Sada Vishnu, because at the Mahapraylam or the judgement day, brahma,vishnu merge into Shiva before he starts his pralaya tandavam that brings and end to one of his creative shows of creating life , because with out an end there is no beginning and without a beginning there is no end. This philisophy is also lived by Shiva, by his act of turning god of love - cupid/Manmatha into ashes ( Shiva wins over birth) and by killing the god of death Yama, shiva proves he is Mrutyunjaya ! Stay blessed and spread the bliss around, Shree Maathrey Namaha